英国GWF消化辅助剂:狗狗健康新选择 GWF Digestive Aid for Dogs™ 是一款专为狗狗设计的消化辅助剂,特别适合那些经历便秘、腹泻、结肠炎以及难以从食物中吸收必需营养素的狗狗。这款产品通过改善肠道壁对营养物质的吸收,帮助阻断病原体,同时含有一种毒素粘合剂,能够解决狗狗饲料或环境中常见的毒素问题。 🌿 四大益...
Digestive Aid for Dogs™ Provides probiotics and prebiotics to support gut microflora and "good" bacteria. Helps to balance the gut & support odour control. Equilibra®Feed Balancer for All Horses The original horse feed balancer. Designed to balance the natural high fibre diet of all horses ...
Digestive Aid for Dogs™ Provides probiotics and prebiotics to support gut microflora and "good" bacteria. Helps to balance the gut & support odour control. Equilibra®Feed Balancer for All Horses The original horse feed balancer. Designed to balance the natural high fibre diet of all horses ...
Supple oxygen the human body needs, enhance digestive function and metabolism.Relieve fatigue, decomposition of lactic acid generated by muscle movement, improve endurance.Promote vitamins, minerals absorption capacity. NAME MAX.FLOW OXYGENDENSITY RUNNINGNOISE DIMENSION POWERCONSUMPTI...
Digestive Aid for Dogs™ Provides probiotics and prebiotics to support gut microflora and "good" bacteria. Helps to balance the gut & support odour control. Equilibra®Feed Balancer for All Horses The original horse feed balancer. Designed to balance the natural high fibre diet of all horses ...