如果您使用SCA,则需要添加spring cloud alibaba sentinel网关依赖项,该依赖项将appType设置为gateway。
在配置文件中设置限流的类型为gw-flow,规则生效但是在dashboard无法查看 设置限流类型为degrade,规则生效且在dashboard可以查看 配置文件如下: spring:sentinel:datasource:flow:nacos:server-addr:localhost:8848dataId:${spring.application.name}-gw-flow-rules.json#dataIdgroupId:DEFAULT_GROUPrule-type:gw-flowdegra...
如题, 使用的gateway版本为2.1.0 sentinel-spring-cloud-gateway-adapter1.6.0 sentinel-datasource-nacos1.5.2 在 bootstarp.yml 中配置如下 sentinel: datasource: flow: nacos: server-addr: localhost:8848 dataId: ${spring.application.name}-gw-flow-rules.json g..
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The conceptual model indicated that the value of the flow in the aquifer reaches 21 million cubic meters annually, which means there is renewable storage. The consumer value of GW was about 55 million m3/year. The result presented that the value of the lost and d...
Spatial Interaction Modeling of OD Flow Data: Comparing Geographically Weighted Negative Binomial Regression (GWNBR) and OLS (GWOLSR). ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2019, 8, 220. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi8050220 AMA Style Zhang L, Cheng J, Jin C. Spatial Interaction Modeling of OD Flow ...
However, one critical limitation of the gwflow module is that groundwater–soil interactions are not represented, leading to incorrect water balance at the HRU level. These are vital interactions whenever the water table is higher than the bottom of the soil profile. Hence, in this paper, this...