中文名 : 寻找解决方案 英文名 : Sleuthing a Solution 要求: 聆听所有格里克的日志书卷。 解锁方式 : 目标: 目标 记录1 记录2 记录3 记录4 记录5 记录6 记录7 记录8 记录9 记录10 成就点 : 1级 10 +1 总计10 +1 奖励: 分组: 史诗纪实
Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons Deep Research 672 Sleuthing a Solution 80 Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons What Lies Within — A Plan Emerges 80 Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons What Lies Within — Bottle Your Emotions 80 Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons What Lies Within — Emotional Release ...
The events are scattered about all over a difficult-to-navigate waypoint-scarce city, the solution for which is usually ziplines and teleporters. I have both masteries quite well unlocked at this stage (not everyone may be in the same boat) but I was still finding it difficult to a) figu...
Deep Research Sleuthing a Solution What Lies Within A Plan Emerges → Bottle Your Emotions → Emotional Release → Entrapment → Full Circle Interlude Interlude: Forward ← Previous: The Icebrood Saga Next: Secrets of the Obscure→ Retrieved from "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?ti...
格里克的研究日志(Gorrik's Research Journal)可以在盖拉洞窟的帕克采矿作业区找到,在完成深渊麻烦剧情出来建筑的边上。 大区 凯珊 盖拉洞窟 挖掘区 帕克采矿作业区 对话 与日志互动 格里克的研究日志充满了机械能量。看起来上面不久才录下了一条记录. (当有新的未读条目时) ...
Deep Research is the the 17th chapter of Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons, released between March 14, 2023 and May 16, 2023. The release is free for everyone and accessible with the expansion. Features End of Dragons story 第17章 — Deep Research Sleuthing a Solution 注释 The release consi...
Deep Research Sleuthing a Solution What Lies Within A Plan Emerges → Bottle Your Emotions → Emotional Release → Entrapment → Full Circle Interlude Interlude: Forward ← Previous: The Icebrood Saga Next: Secrets of the Obscure→ Retrieved from "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?ti...