Relic of the Aristocracy(8s):+3% Condition Duration Maximum Stacks:5 — In-game description Contents 1Acquisition 1.1Contained in 1.2Recipe 1.3PvP 2Mechanics 3Version history Acquisition[edit] Contained in[edit] Relic Container: Conditions(choice, discontinued) ...
英文名 Relic of the Aristocracy 聊天代码 [&AgHxiQEA] 类型 Relic 古物 二级分类 品质 Exotic 特异 等级 60 望族古物 向一个敌人施加虚弱或易伤时,获得额外的症状持续时间。 特异 需要等级: 60 2 跳转WIKI页面 获取方式 配方可从副职业NPC处花费 5 光辉符咒 购买 可从 古物容器:症状 选择 配方 1 望...
API接口 关于 关于我们 详细信息 物品ID100467 中文名配方:望族古物 英文名Recipe: Relic of the Aristocracy 聊天代码[&AgFziAEA] 类型Consumable 消耗品 二级分类Unlock 解锁 品质 Exotic 特异 等级0 配方:望族古物 特异 消耗品 解锁 128 跳转WIKI页面
Relic of the Aristocracy— Gain increasedcondition durationwhen inflictingweaknessorvulnerabilityon a foe. Upgrade componentsthat improve weakness[edit] Sigils[edit] Superior Sigil of Debility: +20% weakness duration Major Sigil of Debility: +15% weakness duration ...
Recipe: Relic of the Aristocracy Recipe sheet Exotic 5 Recipe: Relic of the Brawler Recipe sheet Exotic 5 Recipe: Relic of the Cavalier Recipe sheet Exotic 5 Recipe: Relic of the Centaur Recipe sheet Exotic 5 Recipe: Relic of the Chronomancer Recipe sheet Exotic 5 Recipe: Relic of ...
Players may still possess the item, but it can no longer be acquired. Relic Container: Conditions Item type Container Rarity Exotic Binding Account Bound Game link [&AgGvhwEA] API 100271 “ Double-click to choose a relic. — In-game description ...
Rune of Resistance (PvP) Rune of Scavenging (PvP) Rune of the Aristocracy (PvP) Rune of the Berserker (PvP) Rune of the Chronomancer (PvP) Rune of the Daredevil (PvP) Rune of the Dragonhunter (PvP) Rune of the Druid (PvP) Rune of the Herald (PvP) Rune of the Mad King (PvP) ...
Relic of the Aristocracy— Gain increased condition duration when inflicting weakness or vulnerability on a foe. Relic of the Dragonhunter— Enemies hit by your trap skills become hunted by you, increasing your strike damage and condition duration against them. Relic of Isgarren— After evading an...
Relic of Mabon— Upon applying might while in combat, gain Mabon's Strength. At 10 stacks, your might stacks become more effective for a duration, after which you lose all might and Mabon's Strength.Upgrade components that grant might[edit]...
Relic Container: Conditions(choice, discontinued) Recipe[edit] Relic of the Reaper Source Recipe: Relic of the Reaper Type Upgrade Component Output qty. 1 Discipline Leatherworker Armorsmith Tailor Req. rating 400 Chat link [&Cc42AAA=] ...