Relic of the Fractal— When you inflict bleeding on an enemy with 6 or more stacks of bleeding, also inflict burning and torment.Upgrade components that apply bleeding[edit]Sigils[edit]Sigil of Earth (Superior Sigil of Earth) (chance upon critical hit) Sigil of Geomancy (Superior Sigil of ...
Gold Fractal Harpoon Exotic Mystic Forge 0 10 Golden Fractal Relic 1 Fractal Harpoon 100 Glob of Ectoplasm 50 Stabilizing MatrixNotes[edit]Despite its description and name, this item is a skin, not a weapon.Fractal weapon skins One-handed Axe • Dagger • Mace • Pistol • Scepter ...
Badge of Honor*1000 Time:2 days12 Hours $66.10 Buy Now Slot Skills*10 Time:10 Hours $39.00 Buy Now Pristine Fractal Relic*1 Time:8 Hours $18.71 Buy Now Points earned 1-500 Time:2 days $54.46 Buy Now Points earned 500-1000 Time:3 days ...
您可以查看和复制此页面的源代码。 {{Infobox item |display_name_zh=黄金碎层长弓 |type=长弓 |rarity=exotic |bound=account |id=73269 |icon=1200941.png |skin=黄金碎层长弓 |name=Gold Fractal Longbow |set=Gold Fractal weapons |collection=黄金碎层大师 }} == 获取方法 == === 包含于 === {{con...
英文名Relic of the Fractal 聊天代码[&AgE5hwEA] 类型Relic 古物 二级分类 品质 Exotic 特异 等级60 碎层古物 当你对拥有至少6层流血的敌人施加流血时,还会施加燃烧和折磨。 特异 需要等级: 60 2 跳转WIKI页面 获取方式 位置:巫师塔高塔庭院传送点[&BB8OAAA=]档案管理员伊古尔 购买古物 ...
["Handful of Kournan Coins"]="一捧克南硬币", ["Dollop of Choya Harissa"]="块状丘牙兽辣酱", ["Might of the Vindictive of Severance"]="复仇之力隔离", ["Zaishen Relic"]="战神古物", ["Wish for Freedom"]="许愿自由", ["Luminous Brunt"]="高亮巨锤", ["Wilted Spore"]="枯萎的孢子"...
1 Gold Fractal Greatsword 100 Glob of Ectoplasm 1 Fractal Greatsword 10 Golden Fractal Relic 50 Stabilizing Matrix 材料统计: 100Glob of Ectoplasm 1Fractal Greatsword 10Golden Fractal Relic 50Stabilizing Matrix 类型: Greatsword 巨剑 获取方式 :
Fractal Master's Chest (chance)Guild Mission[edit]Random drop from the weekly personal reward chest following completion of a Guild mission.Trivia[edit]The Guild Wars Wiki has an article on Golden Rin Relic. The Golden Relic of Rin is an item stolen from the capital of Ascalon by the...
Pristine Fractal Relic (2) (Challenge Mode) Fractal Relic (80) (Challenge Mode) Unstable Fractal Essence (40) (Challenge Mode) Integrated Fractal Matrix (Challenge Mode) Fractal Research Page (Challenge Mode) Walkthrough[edit] After speaking with the Spirit of the Mountain, lig...
| bound = account | id = 70064 }} == 获取方法 == {{vendor list}} == 包含物品 == * {{contains|Fractal Relic}} (15) == 另见 == * [[Handful of Fractal Relics (Potion Refund)]]--> 本页使用的模板: 模板:Contains(查看源代码) 模板:Currency(查看源代码) 模板:Ifimage(查看源...