80 Obsidian Shard 100 Bolt of Silk 400 Cured Thick Leather Square 60 Bolt of Gossamer 200 Cured Hardened Leather SquareCurrency for[edit]Item Level Vendor Area Zone Cost Notes Bloodstone Brick Lyhr Outer Ring The Wizard's Tower 2 + 10 + 10 + 100 Bloodstone Brick Ward Crafter Lucirae Mo...
Tier 6: Shard of Glory (100) Tier 7: Envelope of PvP League Tickets (2) Tier 8: Coffers of Ascended Shards of Glory (2) Tier 9: Instant Reward Track Progress (100) Tier 10: Obsidian Weapon Box Earned 10 Champion Points 0 Earned 20 Champion Points ...
数据库 工具 代码生成器 BOSS计时器 十人本计时器 平台服务 插件下载HOT API接口 关于 关于我们 详细信息 物品ID19925 中文名黑曜石碎块 英文名Obsidian Shard 聊天代码[&AgHVTQAA] 类型Trophy 战利品 二级分类 品质 Legendary 传奇 等级0 黑曜石碎块
After selling all non-clover drops, the gold cost per clover when using the mystic forge recipe is ~5.48g (as opposed to ~2.22g when using the fractal recipe). This does not take into consideration the costs for the Obsidian Shards or Mystic Crystals and was calculated on 10/24/20. ...
{vendor table row|item=Leather Shipment|cost=250 Volatile Magic + 10000 Coin}} {{vendor table row|item=Metal Shipment|cost=250 Volatile Magic + 10000 Coin}} {{vendor table row|item=Trophy Shipment|cost=250 Volatile Magic + 10000 Coin}} {{vendor table row|item=Obsidian Shard|cost=100 ...
Obsidian Weapon Box Item type Container Rarity Exotic Binding Account Bound Game link [&AgG2UQEA] API 86454 “ Contains a choice ofObsidian weapons. — In-game description Acquisition[edit] Sold by[edit] VendorAreaZoneCost Ascended Weapon League VendorHall of MemoriesHeart of the Mists5 ...
Discounted Shard of Lowland Shore(guaranteed) Used in[edit] ItemRarityDiscipline(s)RatingIngredients Gift of Gatherer of the HuntLegendaryMystic Forge0 100 Sweet-Treated Pine Plank 100 Neutralized Titan Alloy 100 Shard of Lowland Shore 100 ...
{vendor table header|showLevel=false|showFacts=false}} {{vendor table row|item=葬礼熏香|quantity=1|cost=5 交易合同 + 1 合成宝石 + 1 黑曜石碎块 + 1 球形灵质}} {{vendor table row|item=煤块|quantity=10|cost=520 coin}} {{vendor table row|item=包装咖啡豆|cost=21 karma}} {{vendor ...
Asura Gate• Fast travel to Obsidian Sanctum "阿苏拉星门·迅速前往黑曜石庇护所" Banker• Store and retrieve items in your bank. "银行管理员·寄存及提取银行里的物品。" Siege Merchant• Purchase siege weapon blueprints "攻城商人·购买攻城武器蓝图" [lbracket]Siege Merchant[rbracket] "[lbracket...
29 Obsidian Shardsand 17 Spirit Shards PvP Reward TracksandWvW Reward Tracks Bought weekly over 1 week with a 10 per week per vendor limit (except Nikki, whose limit is 5) using 2 Mystic Coin+ 2 Globs of Ectoplasm+ 2 Spirit Shards, and an additional currency depending on the vendor: ...