Champion Location Wurmhaven (Jahai Bluffs) Baron Wurmsworthis aJunundu Wurmliving onWurmmarshal Osa Ekolo'swurmfarm inWurmhaven. Location[edit] Crystal Desert Jahai Bluffs Wurmhaven Event involvement[edit] [Group Event]Find food in the garrison for hungry Awakened before they eat the wurms(80...
CS Cursed Shore Refers to a champion and event farm with a designated commander in Cursed Shore. CS Continuum Split Refers to the Chronomancer profession mechanic Continuum Split. CT Chest Train Refers to the Bandit Chest farming period on the Silverwastes map. CW Strike Mission: Cold War ...
消灭首领地虫(Kill the champion wurm)是一个 80 级的事件,发生在巴萨泽圣匣。 目标 消灭岩浆地虫。 奖励 这些是对于等级为80角色的预期奖励。 NPC
{{需要校对}}{{NPC infobox |location=阿斯卡隆; Kryta; 席瓦雪山; 迈古玛荒野 |race=巨虫 | image = Plains Wurm.jpg |level=1-80 |name_zh=平原地虫幼体 | map1 = Plains worm hatchling render.jpg |map1-text=平原地虫幼体 render |name=Plains Wurm Hatchling }} [[平原地虫幼体]]s are young ...
Champion Location Wurmhaven (Jahai Bluffs) Image(s) Interactive map Spikeis aJunundu Wurmliving onWurmmarshal Osa Ekolo'swurmfarm inWurmhaven. Location[edit] Crystal Desert Jahai Bluffs Wurmhaven Event involvement[edit] [Group Event]Find food in the garrison for hungry Awakened before they eat...
Defeat the Champion Svanir Shaman Chief and break his control over the Ice Elemental in Frusenfell Creek in Wayfarer Foothills. Reward: Chest of Monstrous Goods Suggested Locations: Wayfarer Foothills 1 Frozen Maw Completed 0 Daily Great Jungle Wurm 0 Defeat the Great Jungle Wurm in Wyc...
Keep (Red)<brx>• Defeat chief engineer to hold and capture objective• Also hold airport, workshop, or wurm tunnel to activate badlands turrets• 100 points on capture• 25 points per scoring tick "要塞(红方)<brx>·击败总工程师占领此处·占领空港、工场或地虫隧道,激活劣土炮台·占领...
Gleaming blue like a great wall of ice, the enormous frost wurm towered above the ground, its length and size a distinct advantage over even the norn. "这条巨大的冰霜地虫通体幽蓝,如一面巨大的冰墙从土中直插云霄,面对诺恩的身高和体型,它都占尽优势。" Brought south by Knut Whitebear for a...
Defeat the Champion Svanir Shaman Chief and break his control over the Ice Elemental in Frusenfell Creek in Wayfarer Foothills. Reward: Chest of Monstrous Goods Suggested Locations: Wayfarer Foothills 1 Frozen Maw Completed 0 Daily Great Jungle Wurm 0 Defeat the Great Jungle Wurm in Wyc...
Defeat the Champion Svanir Shaman Chief and break his control over the Ice Elemental in Frusenfell Creek in Wayfarer Foothills. Reward: Chest of Monstrous Goods Suggested Locations: Wayfarer Foothills 1 Frozen Maw Completed 0 Daily Great Jungle Wurm 0 Defeat the Great Jungle Wurm in Wyc...