This accomplishment was previously tracked by the Map Completion Medal on Account Medals (which have been removed) and is currently tracked by the Been There, Done That achievement and the World Completion progress bar when you view the map. Characters under level 80 became unable to earn keys ...
Complete thesylvaripersonal storystep "A Vision of Darkness", "Eye of the Sun", "Shattered Light", or "Snuffing Out Embers".Some victories are bittersweet, but they're victories nonetheless.Story Achievement10 Been There, Done That1
man wth.. or that piece in EOD where you have to eat Sushi or whatever, or that odd quest where you travel around in a skiff checking for explosives under bridge, or where you had to talk with everyone at the end of EOD for achievement and to get some more trivia tid-bits. The ...
I appreciate the depth and complexity of the system, but if I'm just getting my feet wet that's a little much to throw at a player. If the devs staggered that information over more time, it'd have felt like more of an achievement unlocking that level of progression. Each new weapon ...
I'm not normally a major achievement hunter myself but would greatly appreciate being able to complete the Boss Battle Boss achievement as it would mean we could play Boss Hunts again. I want to 100% complete this game, but currently it just is not possible due to this content being remov...
But it does give us an idea of the number of -unique- player accounts that have at least attempted the content once, and succeeded at it to unlock the achievement. And it’s all we have, so yeah. There is surprisingly a very large amount of GW2efficiency accounts that have not touched...
That’s how you know that portion is done. The final numbers you need are: 60 mobs 15 different types of mobs 20 gathers 5 events Once you complete all the sections, you’ll get an achievement and a chest will pop up on the right side your screen just above the minimap: you don’...
您可以查看和复制此页面的源代码。 [[File:Living Worldlogo.png|200px|right|link=]] 世界动态的第一季{{En|Living World Season 1}}故事从[[霜炎之战]]开始,终止于[[决战狮城]]。在这场战斗中,玩家将会揭露整个事件的幕后主使 - 丛林巨龙墨德摩斯。 [[迷失海湾]]是第一季的预热,引入了很多这一季中的...
模板:Achievement box None of the below achievements can be obtained on the first play through of the story on a given character, and may only be obtained on subsequent visits on that character. 模板:Achievement box This achievement requires you to not let any of the 炽天使 repair workers per...
He notes that the country's economy has avoided the recession despite the financial crisis that has been affecting the global economy. He cites that the fiscal stimulus of the country has save the economy because it was implemented before much damage was done. He also cites the contribution of...