the quieter it is). This also depends upon the inclination of the source (a binary edge-on is quieter than a binary face-on/off). Therefore, the distance is correlated with the inclination and we end
Hjorth, J. et al. The distance to NGC 4993: the host galaxy of the gravitational wave event GW170817. ApJ, 848, L31 (2017)Hjorth, J. et al. The Distance to NGC 4993: The Host Galaxy of the Gravitational-wave Event GW170817. Astrophysical Journal Letters 848, L31 (2017). 1710.05856....
In this analysis, the degeneracy in the GW signal between the source distance and the weakly constrained viewing angle dominated the H_0 H_0 measurement uncertainty. Recently, Mooley et al. (2018) obtained tight constraints on the viewing angle using high angular resolution imaging of the radio...
The dawn of GW astronomy will open up a new window to constrain nonminimally coupled theories further by the modified luminosity distance of tensor perturbations.doi:10.1142/S0218271819420057Kase, RyotaroTsujikawa, ShinjiWorld Scientific Publishing CompanyInternational Journal of Modern Physics D...
While considering the distance of the source at 130 million light years, the corresponding energy dissipation rate is E 藱 10 35 ( B / 10 12 G ) 2 erg/s at the location of Crab pulsar, which could be observed by sensitive X, gamma and radio telescopes if this pulsar sweeps its ...
To achieve this, the ejecta must be reheated at a substantial distance (1鈥 2000 solar radii) from the merger to avoid losing the energy to adiabatic cooling. We show that this reheating can occur if the merger occurs in a hierarchical triple system where the outer star has evolved and ...
Here we analyze the binary neutron star event GW170817, whose source location and distance are determined precisely by concurrent electromagnetic observations. Applying a correlation averaging algorithm to the LIGO-Virgo strain data, we find ratios of the signals detected by the three interferometers. ...
The dawn of GW astronomy will open up a new window to constrain nonminimally coupled theories further by the modified luminosity distance of tensor perturbations.doi:10.1142/S0218271819420057Kase, RyotaroTsujikawa, ShinjiInternational Journal of Modern Physics D: Gravitation, Astrophy...
Here, we analyze the binary neutron star event GW170817, whose source location and distance are determined precisely by concurrent electromagnetic observations. We apply a signal accumulation procedure to the LIGO-Virgo strain data and find that the measured LIGO-Livingston signal is substantially ...
In models that include additional non-compact spacetime dimensions, as the gravitational waves propagate, they "leak" into the extra di-mensions, leading to a reduction in the amplitude of the observed gravitational waves, and a commensurate systematic error in the inferred distance to the ...