1、如果你只需要SDK文件(GoogleVRForUnity.unitypackage)可以参考:Github 下载单个文件。当然你也可以clone整个项目 2、创建新工程,导入gvr package Demo分析# sdk中有两个Demo,在GoogleVR\DemoScenes\HeadsetDemo ,GoogleVR\DemoScenes\ControllerDemo HeadDemo# 这个demo是gvr模拟的头部运动的Demo,操作方法:在PC上按住...
The latest GoogleVRForUnity_*.unitypackage and release notes are available from the releases page. You can also clone and use the googlevr/gvr-unity-sdk git repository directly in a Unity project. Getting Started The Google VR SDK for Unity requires Unity 2017.4 or newer. If you are new ...
unity_gvr_activity.jar# android目录下的jar包提供android的API给unity调用 Plugins\Android\unity gvr activity.aar Plugins\Android\gvr_android_common.aar Plugins\Android\libs\armeabi-v7a\libgvrunity.so unitygvractivity_classes.jar# gvr_android_common_classes.jar# aar文件# *.aar是一种压缩文件,和*.ja...
GVR SDK for Unity v1.200.0 Support for Unity 5.6 has ended Unity hasdiscontinued support for 5.6. As a result, we have discontinued support of Unity 5.6 and have raised the minimum supported version of Unity to2017.4. Breaking changes
Google APIs for Unity: https://developers.google.com/unity/ 本文环境:Unity 5.3.1 x64 + gvr 0.8 搭建环境 1、如果你只需要SDK文件(GoogleVRForUnity.unitypackage) 可以参考:Github 下载单个文件 。当然你也可以clone整个项目 2、创建新工程,导入gvr package Demo分析 sdk中有两个Demo,在GoogleVR\DemoSce...
Google VR SDK for Unity. Contribute to ycdivfx/gvr-unity-sdk development by creating an account on GitHub.
Google VR SDK for Unity. Contribute to googlevr/gvr-unity-sdk development by creating an account on GitHub.
I just updated Minos Spacefighter to use the new GVR 13 Unity build. This has caused a tonne of issues for everyone using a Samsung S7 and has caused a serious drop in the ratings of the game. Last time I updated the game using Unity 5.4...
Currently seeing "Video Support libraries not found or could not be loaded! Please add the GVRVideoPlayer.unitypackage to this project" when running the VideoDemo scene. As requested by @claywilkinson : Contents of Assets/Plugins/Android/ Logcat: 01-04 19:50:41.887 30145 30273 W Unity : 01...
I have Unity 5.3.2f1 and Cardboard v0.6 Even with a new clean Unity project just imported Cardboard SDK and Demo I get this error (app. 5 times): "Failed to load 'Assets/Plugins/x86_64/audiopluginvrunity.dll' with error 'The specified module could not be found. ', GetDllDirectory...