最后,将“向前参与度”和“向后参与度”的自然对数相减得出的全球价值链地位指数(GVC Position Index)可用于区分各个国家在价值链中所处水平,地位指数越高,表明在价值链处于越上游的位置,反之则处于越下游的位置。 基于以上框架,从制造业总体分工地位(GVC地位指数)来看,中国制造业分工地位处于新兴制造业国家中偏上游...
2 Changes in GVC position index of major countries in sub-sectors 1062 地理研究 41 卷 降趋势但变化幅度不明显.中国与其他制造业大国 GVC 地位差距较大,在电子和光学仪 器制造业差距尤为显著,1995 年中日差距达到了 0.7358,近年来差距逐渐缩小,2014 年 中日差距缩小为 0.2684.值得关注的是,在各个细分行业...
全球价值链分工地位GVCposition=ln(1+IV/E)-ln(1+FV/E)=ln(1+GVCpt_f)-ln(1+GVCpt_b)3.数据范围:数据量丰富,4.3万个样本,含ADB收录的63个国家、35个细分行业(含全部制造业、全部服务业、全部门整体)的全部数据 4.数据来源: GVCindex _1_X7LZJUFUJ(ILX$SL_S2P.png (22.34 KB, 下载次数...
国家国际分工地位及其影响因素——基于“GVC地位指数”的实证分析 Influence Factors of a Country's International Specialization Status: A Study Based on GVC Position Index 作者:刘海云[1];毛海欧[1]作者机构:[1]华中科技大学经济学院,湖北武汉430074 出版物刊名:国际经贸探索 页码:44-53页 年卷期:...
全球价值链分工地位GVCposition=ln(1+IV/E)-ln(1+FV/E)=ln(1+GVCpt_f)-ln(1+GVCpt_b) 3.数据范围:数据量丰富,4.3万个样本,含ADB收录的63个国家、35个细分行业(含全部制造业、全部服务业、全部门整体)的全部数据 4.数据来源:GVCindex _1_X7LZJUFUJ(ILX$SL_S2P.png (22.34 KB, 下载次数: 0) ...
Influencing factors of GVC positionThis paper estimates the GVC status index of 20 countries including China from 2000 to 2011. It is found that the international specialization status in developed countries is higher than that in developing countries, but the former shows a downward trend while ...
全球价值链分工地位GVCposition=ln(1+IV/E)-ln(1+FV/E)=ln(1+GVCpt_f)-ln(1+GVCpt_b) 3.数据范围:数据量丰富,4.3万个样本,含ADB收录的63个国家、35个细分行业(含全部制造业、全部服务业、全部门整体)的全部数据 4.数据来源: GVCindex _1_X7LZJUFUJ(ILX$SL_S2P.png (22.34 KB, 下载次数: 0)...
The result shows that the overall service industry of China′ position in the global value chain is lower than the United States, the United States service industry′ GVC-position index was rising slowly during 2000 to 2014, while China service industry GVC-position index was decline at first,...
With the new trend in GVCs in mind, China should consolidate its strengths in the digital economy as new growth agents replace old ones, gain a favorable position in the space economy with the Chinese space station, create a global trading network through the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)...
(DFL) attempts to learn and optimize the position of bounding boxes in a more direct manner; this allows the network to focus more quickly on the distribution of neighboring regions near the target position. In Equation (2), y represents the ground truth label, yiand yi+1are two adjacent ...