学历和成绩要求:申请人需要具有符合墨尔本大学要求的学历背景和成绩单,通常要求是完成中学教育,且获得相应学科的高中毕业证书或同等学历,成绩表现优异。 2. 语言要求: 申请人需要提供英语语言水平证明,通常墨尔本大学接受的语言考试包括雅思(IELTS)、托福(TOEFL)和剑桥通用英语考试(Cambridge English),具体要求根据不同学位...
美国大学先修课程(Advanced Placement),简称AP课程,是由美国大学理事会(The College Board)在高中阶段开设的具有大学水平的课程,主要适合计划在美国就读本科的高中生学习,在全世界范围内(包括美国本土)均可授课。AP课程包括艺术、科学、数学和计算机、历史和社会科学、英语和世界语言等7大类总共38门课程,学生需要合理选...
Do the routine maintenance and management of classrooms and teaching aids. 任职要求: 1、本科或以上学历;(英语专业、教育专业、有相关工作经验或海外留学经历者可适当放宽) College degree or above; (English, Education, relevant work experience or study abro直聘ad experience may be relaxed) 2、口语标准、...
College degree or above, major in computer science is preferred, combination of education and working experience. 2.1年以上IT相关工作经验,有终端维护经验及项目管理经验优先考虑。 At least 1 years’ experience in IT, relevant PC maintenance and IT project experience will be a strong asset. 3.关系管...
She was also nominated and accepted into the 2013 edition ofStrathmore's Who's Who for excellence in Leadership and Education. 3 Akihiro Takamoto, senior international ... This year Clark spoke on how to build an LED calo-www.ucollege.edu/files/users/Webadmin/10%20July.pdf...
1.Education: Minimum college diploma in chemical processing; applied chemical science; Marine 2.Experience: Minimum 3 years of experience in operating chemical manufacturing facility including foreign investment chemical company. 3.Communication: Fluent in reading English in a work environment. Able to co...
根据第一段"ChatGPT,developed by US company OpenAI,is a powerful tool.You can ask it to write stories and emails,translate languages,and answer all kinds of questions.It has swept the education world in the past months.According to a US survey of more than 1,000 st...
靠谱,是正规的中学。深圳国际交流学院(Shenzhen College Of International Education)创立于2003年,是英国剑桥考试院(CIE)、国际学校委员会(CIS)、爱德思国家学历与学术考试机构(Edexce
A-Level课程英文全称 General Certificate of Education Advanced Level,它是英国普通中等教育证书高级水平课程,是英国的全民课程体系,也是英国学生的大学入学考试课程,就像我国的高考一样,A-Level 课程证书被几乎所有英语授课的大学作为招收新生的入学标准。 目前,A-Level课程已被世界上 150 多个国家引进,仅经CIE授权就...
1 个回答 国际高中/本科规划师 2024-12-15 深圳国交国际学校全名是深圳国际交流学院,英文全称为Shenzhen College Of International Education,简称“深国交”或“SCIE”。推荐问答 2024-12-15 常春藤高校是哪几所? 2022-10-10 女生学测绘专业,考研前景怎样,如要考研应该怎样选考研学校? 2024-12-15 请问深圳...