That includes: a Housing having a proximal end and a distal end; (b) a receptacle of medication designed to connect with the distal end of the first Connection by means of connecting to the second Connection means; and (c) a Feeding mechanism which includes: i) a vast Go to the piston...
9月6日,那大片区城乡供水一体化项目美扶村委会谭乐村通水仪式在那大镇美扶村委会举行。该项目通水后,将解决谭乐村500户村民的用水困难问题,村民从此用上了干净、优质的自来水。 “我们终于喝上干净、卫生的自来水了,不会再担心没水了!”当天上午,谭乐村村民吴二花看着自家水龙头流出的自来水,笑得合不拢嘴。 ▲...