En route to Kiev, we decided to stop in Gomel, Belarus (a town with the nicestbencheson the planet). We walked around a bit, including a stop at the Gomel train station, a place where Nate was once detained after accidentally taking a train ride through Belarus without a Belarus visa....
She’s a woman of many talents, and Kristen Stewart showed up on the “Conan” show on Wednesday night (February 8) to plug her new movie “Clouds of Sils Maria.”However, talk quickly turned to the “Twilight Saga: New Moon” actress’ recent cameo in Jenny Lewis’ music video for ...
I would much rather train safe and remain injury free. This will allow you to hit the gym more frequently and reap all the benefits that a healthy bodybuilding lifestyle has to offer. Being too aggressive with your workouts only increasing your risk of getting laid up with injuries. The old...
I had one [woman] come up and request she sit on my nose and "put a real smile on my face." Strangely enough, most clowns don't talk about this much with other clowns. I think because of the regrettable nature of these encounters. Would you recommend a man get into clowning to ...
Opening on the same day, “Tazza: One Eyed Jack” and “Cheer Up, Mr. Lee” took second and third places, respectively.Starring Don Lee (“Train to Busan”), the story begins as a prisoner transport vehicle overturns on a road and high-profile prisoners escape. The police form a ...
There's good people on both sides of the aisle, don't get me wrong- but Gordy was one of those guys that just made you feel at home during the legislative session. I did two days of radio shows during the 2023 legislative session here in Montana. It was fun running into former ...
Trying to determine if a girl is coming onto you is a risky business. The signs can be pretty subtle after all, and misinterpreting them could lead to all sorts of disaster. But even when a woman tries to make her intentions as clear as they possibly can
There’s a good reason why not a single one of these guys can understand why women date the men they do...it’s because they do not understand women a bit, and aren’t able to truly empathize with them and get inside their heads and see things from a woman’s point of view. ...
His name is Richard La Ruina. In addition to running that site, which is a training company that helps men learn how to attract more women, he’s also the author of “The Natural: How to Effortlessly Attract the Woman You Want.” ...
The first is a reported named Jean whose life is saved by him and is the only one who is seen kissing him. About this lovely woman, Wendall is seen remarking "That girl is apest! But --- not bad!" The other is Diane Westcott who might be considered possibly Wendall's girl friend...