Kaieteur News –There is a certain unchanging timelessness about history: no matter how it appears to change, it is identical to what went before. At first glance, the words and postures and players may seem to be different, but there is that remarkable similarity that is not accidental, bu...
Next, the Board of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation must wonder how come this intention was not leaked to them so that they can develop an appropriate training budget; that is, if they expect the Minister of Finance could be convinced that overseas remittances will more than compensate ...
Kaieteur FallsKaieteur Falls, west-central Guyana. Beyond the crystalline plateau, theKaieteurian Plateau lies generally below 1,600 feet (490 metres) above sea level; it is the site of the spectacularKaieteur Falls, noted for their sheer 741-foot (226-metre) initial plunge. The plateau is...
The Guyanese media delegation comprised representatives from Guyana National Television, the Guyana Chronicle, Stabroek News, Guyana Newsroom, and Kaieteur News. Shandong Radio and Television Station and the Shandong International Communication Center also held a signing ceremony for a memorandum of cooper...
The Caribbean Community Reparations Commission has started mobilizing for reparations, centered around repairing the wrongdoings of slavery (Kaieteur News, 2018; Ragobeer, 2018). The Commission's ten-point plan focuses on “reparations as a development strategy”, the goal of which is “to use...
Get Guyana news and learn about the land of six people. Also find information on Kaieteur Falls and the Amerindians people of Guyana.
iNews Guyana: www.inewsgy.com/Demerara Waves: www.dewerarawaves.com/Business Guyana: www.bis.gy/ 一个应用程序,它具有在圭亚那最热门的新闻网站。 圭亚那时报:www.guyanatimesgy.com/凯厄图尔新闻:www.kaieteurnewsonline.com/Stabroek新闻:www.stabroeknews.com/互动新闻台圭亚那:www.inewsgy.com/德梅...
have exited the Kaieteur block offshore Guyana. The U.S. companies transferred their stakes back to previous owners Ratio Guyana Ltd. and Cataleya Energy Ltd., the supermajor told Reuters. Ratio will take over as operator pending government approval.Upstream Pulse group...
Added color photo of Kaieteur Falls. Maren Goldberg Nov 17, 2009 Cultural Life section thoroughly revised. Heather Campbell Jack K. Menke Nov 12, 2009 Bibliography revised and updated. Heather Campbell Jack K. Menke Nov 12, 2009 Article introduction revised and updated. ...
News in-depthGuyana ‘I don’t want to be Venezuelan’: Guyana region on edge over annexation threat Natalia Dorfman, chief executive of carbon market insurer Kita, said: “The key risk that investors and developers or anyone who has a financial interest in a carbon project is looking at is...