It was also the movie in which Geordi La Forge stopped wearing his visor. LeVar Burton: “80 percent of my vision was cut off when I wore the that thing. And it physically hurt, which was one of the more important reasons I wanted to get out from underneath it. We held on to it...
But for a time, when crypto’s prices seemed to have no limit, the money appeared too good for some to ask questions — questions like: Why are some of those apes wearing prison clothes? “That was a very significant moment, because the audience for that show is very different from the...
Does he have a unique vintage band tee? Is he wearing a necklace or bracelet that caught your eye? Is there a book or journal on the table near him? Is he wearing a nice cologne? Whatever it may be, look for something subtle to ask him about or to take your compliments to a more...
My friends are usually not surprised that I donotmaintain a book wishlist. My only book wishlist ceased to exist when I terminated my Amazon account about three years ago, the time when I launched this blog. I’m a “piece of work” in terms of recipient of books. Over the years my ...
Since most of those were chick photes, I feel it is important to point out that I’m an equal opportunist when it comes to released b-day suit pics. When Orlando Bloom went balls out on a paddleboarding sesh, I also giggled at that and sent it to everyone I know so that they ...