OfficeGuyPublicMemeStash 69,646个粉丝 4 条评论 Verbitsky Grigory Ито, итоохуенно 3 显示点赞 3月27日 0:19 Arkan Gera 回复了 Grigory Григорий,авторкакбынесчитаетпервуючастькотораядодипрокбыла. А...
Among the finds isThe Best of Everythingby Rona Jaffe, a 1958 novel about five young employees of a New York publishing house. It’s been recently re-released. Borges’sLast Interviewwas staring at me from the shelf. So I decided to take it home with me before I proceed to the second...
I checked in at the Booking Through Thursday blog, which is the host for a weekly book meme or blogging prompt. Here is this week’s prompt: If you could change the ending of any book you’ve read, which would it be and how would you change it?
Grind 11.2千次浏览 Portuguese 4.9千次浏览·7 个月前· 来自Kochergin Kirill OfficeGuyPublicMemeStash 68.5千个粉丝 89 分享 5 条评论 Ryabinin Maxim This is the bite of portuguese? 6 显示点赞 3月14日 10:48 Verbitsky Grigory 回复了 Maxim Максим, welcome 3 显示点赞 3月14日 11:03...
All my life I’ve wanted to see London. I used to go to English movies just to look at streets with houses like those. Staring at the screen in a theatre, I wanted to walk down those streets so badly it gnawed at me like hunger. . . . I wanted to see London the way old peopl...