Filed under:Books,Meme,Personal,Reading| Tagged:Booking Through Thursday,Books,Kane and Abel,Meme,Personal,Reading|1 Comment » Scary Posted onOctober 30, 2014by Matthew I checked in at the Booking Through Thursday blog, which is the host for a weekly book meme or blogging prompt. Here is...
I spent almost all day reading in sunny Palo Alto (where Stanford is). It’s a lazy day for blogging but I make headwaythrough Sense and SensibilityandMiddlemarch. Book talk and review will return on Monday. I have snagged a very interesting meme on food from a Chinese-language blog. The...
Related Reading :How to Compliment a Guy- 100+ Best Compliments for Guys Watch this video to learn how to compliment a guy: 16. Send a funny video or meme A recent study revealed that humor is one of the top threemost desired traitsin a partner. Sending a silly video or meme can be...
Related Reading :How to Compliment a Guy- 100+ Best Compliments for Guys Watch this video to learn how to compliment a guy: 16. Send a funny video or meme A recent study revealed that humor is one of the top threemost desired traitsin a partner. Sending a silly video or meme can be...
Editor's note: The meme-stock mania has claimed more victims. Today, we're sharing an essay from Marc Gerstein, director of research at our corporate affiliate Chaikin Analytics. He shares the one indicator – and a core truth about the markets – that could have saved retail traders from ...
the count meme, the count sesame street, the rumble, the temperature outside, the wall street journal, the war to sell you a mattress, the war to sell you a mattress is an internet nightmare, things cops can't do, things cops do that are illegal, things police can't do to you, th...
You'll note that I didn't give a game a score lower then this simply because I don't believe I've ever played and beaten a game that I considered bad or average, and also that I don't rate games unless I've completed and beat them, so there's that. ...
Yes, 2020. This year. The same year that in many ways has been the definition of the dumpster on fire meme. The year that has most of us barely leaving our homes and certainly not traveling is actually a phenomenal year to ramp up spending on the cards in your wallet (or sock drawer...
Note that almost none of these students actually titled their essays; for the Table of Contents, I’ve simply titled them based on their first line or general topic. Personal Statement Example #1 The Tally on My Uniform Day 19: I am using my school uniform as a slate to tally the days...
Don’t you guys feel like you’ve been reading The Salty Ju FOR-EV-ER now?! THEN…I realize that Tay is going all 8th grade angst punk rock. She’s got the slicked hair/dark lips, the Good Charlotte font and the Ashlee Simpson throwback album cover. WHOA. Was not expecting that ...