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Les cercueils étaient initialement conçus pour protéger le défunt des éléments et pour empêcher le corps de se décomposer. Malheureusement, ils avaient également une conséquence inattendue : ils permettaient, en théorie du moins, d'enterrer une personne vivante et de faire en sorte qu...
Several calls came in in CONAD that year from children all looking for Santa. Air Force Col. Harry Shoup, the commander on duty that night, made sure each child knew Santa was on his way, and a tradition was born. A wrong number led to the traction of tracking Santa each year with ...
My booth was sandwiched between a puppeteer, a classical pianist, and a “mentalist” — a guy who bent spoons. I was with the self-represented artists. The booths that got the most traffic were manned by talent agencies. For instance, if a presenter wanted to hire the Klezmatics or the ...
If the timing isn't suspicious, there's no reason for you to assume that there was anything going on while you were dating. 131 13 cocacola999 27 Friday 31 October 2014 8:24 I agree. It may be ironic, but there's no reason to call her names,...