Finally, she can immensely cut down purchases of pads/tampons since she has an extra option to rotate with and generate less trash every month. I hope you found as much joy through this entry as I did with my little joke – which turned out great. I have to reiterate that this is ...
Ganondorf seems like a brunch guy CoelasquidFebruary 6, 20172:59 am Speaking as the wife of a giant athletic man, there is no such thing as “leftovers” around huge dudes who recreationally pick up heavy things. Discussion (156) ¬...
Every time I read the title of this drama, I automatically go "Nice Guy(s)...finish last, that's why i'll treat you like trash..." Lol Anyway, it was difficult to watch Eun Ki fall so hard and know Ma Ru has an ulterior motive. But I think that will change soon seeing some...
trash 13 travel 161 travelator 1 traveled 4 traveler 5 travelers 2 traveling 4 trawler 1 tray 1 treat 3 tree 108 tree background 6 tree bark 1 tree texture 12 trees 85 trip 2 tropical 8 trout 3 truck 12 truck driver 1 trucks 3 Trump 1 Tsukiji Nippon...
Always have something nice to say about EVERYBODY and don’t let him hear you trash-talking another soul! Men hate drama. Kindness is magnetic, and what draws the most people in. 4. Give and appreciate compliments. The people who said“Flattery won’t take you anywhere”ages ago clearly ...
with this guy. I looked him up, and he's a professor now at UCLA. He's this prolific musician, so I should have been so happy, but I was so upset about that, that when I got my yearbook at the end of the year, I literally ripped out the page and threw it in the trash. ...
As he got dressed, Jak thought of all he had to do today. The solar panels would need cleaned, the satellite dish needed to be repositioned, and trash needed to go out to the curb. He still found himself delighted by the fact that he no longer needed to do any yard work, a direct...
He can afford caviar but he would rather eat trash can nachos! He Makes Time For Fans Getty Images He Makes Time For Fans He is super approachable and happy to thank his fans Everyones Friend Getty Images Everyone's Friend He makes everyone feel important and that is a character quality th...
Just trying to not get a big head right off the bat on this trip. California may be home to zillions of celebrities but I need to remember that I’m trash and I’ll never afford their lifestyle. In fact, I spent weeks bargain-hunting just for an economy flight to visit their state...
I saw something on TV that I want to imitate. Helpful•5 0 Lois Griffin: [comes out of a door with a bag of trash] Peter, what are you... [sees that Peter is in a shopping cart on the roof held by Cleveland and Quagmire] Lois Griffin: What are you boys doing up there?