Microsoft Power BI Blogu BlogGuy in a CubeŞu etiketli gönderiler: Guy in a Cube Tech Tip Thursday: Dynamic Power BI reports using Parameters Support 25 Mayıs, 2017 hazırlayan: Jessica Cook Did you know that you can dynamically filter data in Power BI using parameters that ...
This week, Guy in a Cube looks at how the Power BI data region is selected, and how you can find out in what region your data is currently located. He also talks about why data region is an important thing to review before anyone signs up for Office 365, Power BI, or other Microsof...
After the dynamic titles in Power BI Desktop video, we had questions about how to do multi-select values. Patrick shows you how to do it! Demo files: pleblanc 2019-05-07T10:05:43-05:00 Share This Story, Choose Your Platform!
Power BI Guy’s Blog How to extract data from the Fabric Metrics App – Part 2 In this mini series I’m walking you through how to extract data from the Fabric Metrics App to, for example, create a monthly chargeback report based on it. In my last blog post, I showed how to ...
The Q&A feature in Power BI is great as it let's users ask natural questions about your data and it will generate visuals and lists to answer those questions. Of course, there's an assumption that Power BI has a data model that uses the same terminology as the user asking, and that ...
However, they will not display in the Power BI Desktop Client or when using the by itself. The area where the image is supposed to be just shows up blank. You can see the Dynamics 365 images on, if you have a tab with Dynamics 365 open at the same time. ...
cube: 内网渗透测试工具,弱密码爆破、信息收集和漏洞扫描 ldr: BOF/COFF loader in Rust rbacr: 针对kubernetes中的RBAC可能被攻击检测工具 nsproxy: 功能类似tsocks / proxychains-ng / graftcp的命令行代理工具,但只适用于带有net_namespace的Linux系统 bashFuck: 针对Linux终端 bashshell 的无字母命令执行payload生...
This week, Guy in a Cube looks at how the Power BI data region is selected, and how you can find out in what region your data is currently located. He also talks about why data region is an important thing to review before anyone signs up for Office 365, Power BI, or other Microsof...
In this week’s Tech Tip Thursday, our own Guy in a Cube breaks out his whiteboard to talk about how authentication works with Analysis Services via the Power BI Gateway – Enterprise. He outlines setting up your data source in the enterprise gateway, and how to ensure that your user and...
This week, Guy in a Cube looks at how the Power BI data region is selected, and how you can find out in what region your data is currently located. He also talks about why data region is an important thing to review before anyone signs up for Office 365, Power BI, or other Microsof...