But for a time, when crypto’s prices seemed to have no limit, the money appeared too good for some to ask questions — questions like: Why are some of those apes wearing prison clothes? “That was a very significant moment, because the audience for that show is very different from the...
” or “is it good grammar to write —?” and on giving his answer must have been confronted with the reply “But I have heard many Englishmen (westerners, Americans, native speakers…) pronounce it differently” or “But this
I have seen this meme in several blogs that I read only to realize later that it might have originated in Facebook. This one is by far thesilliestmost random meme but I have decided to snag it just because of the very first question. I’m very passionate (distastefully) about blue che...
almost condescending, it’s like the living embodiment of that Steve Buscemi meme. I heard someone say it was like an AI was forced to watch thousands of hours of those terrible mobile game adds and then made a movie based off of it and I have to say that feels pretty accurate. ...
Who To Ask It To:This is a great one to ask colleagues and acquaintances to find out how they really feel about work and life in general. Money isn't always what makes a job worthwhile, after all. This could start a good conversation about work experiences. ...
Sometimes noir is about sex and money, and sometimes about revenge. The characters Cut off from the longstanding values of the human family, these characters turn to immediate desires. Noir to me, rather morbidly, serves as a guide to my next travel destination, as it is highly atmospheric...
This interesting question to ask a guy can also tell you about his attitude to money. 39. Have you ever been to a palm reader? Of all the interesting and random questions to ask a guy, this is one of the weirdest. However, asking your date about his supernatural experiences is a ...
manipulative Agnes tries to buy Stephen’s silence by giving him money. She contrives to shun the existence of Rickie’s brother, considering him something to be deeply ashamed of. In ridding him she is safe with the aunt’s inheritance. But her conventional hypocrisy has been more detrimental...
Sheesh…do you really want to know my dark secret? To spare you from the gory details, I say book sites where I usually spend my money to order books. I also find myself surfing Flickr pages of friends with whom I need to catch up. ...
86. What two things would you never spend money on? 87. What’s your stance on magicians? 88. If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would it be? 89. How competitive are you on trivia night? 90. What do you think of people who don’t put their grocery cart back: ...