FNF Vs. Ourple Guy V3 is a mod inspired by the world of Five Nights at Freddy's with a unique style and unforgettable atmosphere. Follow the adventures of...
Reynolds carries the film a bulk of the way and while the cast is certainly talented, The characters are so insufferable that it is hard to root for anyone because they're so freaking obnoxious. Within the first 20 minutes of the film, What little charm it had died when you realize that...
Also because youths are stupid as hell and the more we point it out *fingers crossed* they’ll become self aware and stop bullying millennials online for being old and out of touch because IT HURTS OUR FEELINGS, OK?3. BB’s.I’ve gotten to the point where there’s so much freaking ...
I always thought it was going to be used as humor like it was in Season 1, and never in my right mind would have predicted what happened in this episode, and not only did they do it serious, but they handled it so freaking well, that's you do a relationship TV shows. Rarity ...
And I have to admit, while I have my problems with the Wii U, it's pretty freaking brilliant at the same time, with its ability to simultaneously appeal to the casual and hardcore at the same time. It's got the Wii name and motion sensing and touch screen, and one big controller wi...