We talk to Guy Carpenter CEO, Asia Pacific Tony Gallagher about the company’s plans for 2023, Asian markets to look out for, as well as potential risks. Guy Carpenter Shaping the Future Series - Inflation The next video in the series looks at the general impact of inflation - and how ...
About Guy Carpenter Guy Carpenter is a global risk and reinsurance specialist focusing on delivering broking expertise, strategic advisory services, and industry-leading analytics in the (re)insurance sector. The company offers solutions that include matching capital with risk profiles, providing integrated...
猎聘为您提供2025年Guy Carpenter招聘信息,更有Guy Carpenter企业介绍、Guy Carpenter地址、Guy Carpenter工作环境以及Guy Carpenter招聘岗位信息,全面的为您提供Guy Carpenter高薪职位,求职找工作就上猎聘。
链接 Guy Carpenter网站 Guy Carpenter & Company, LLC is a leading global risk and reinsurance specialist with more than 3,100 professionals in over 60 offices around the world. Guy Carpenter delivers a powerful combination of broking expertise, trusted strategic advisory services and industry-leading ...
Guy Carpenter & Company, Limited was incorporated on 18-SEP-1979 as a Private company limited by shares registered in Hong Kong. The date of annual examination for this private company limited is between Sep 18 and Oct 30 upon the anniversary of incorporation. The company's status is listed ...
紐約--(美國商業資訊)--領先的全球風險和再保險專家、Marsh & McLennan Companies (NYSE:MMC)全資子公司Guy Carpenter & Company, LLC今日宣佈,設立全球策略諮詢機構,涵蓋其諮詢、分析、結構化風險、購併諮詢、勞埃德資本和商業情報功能。 Rob Bentley已被任命為全球策略諮詢總裁。Bentley先生重新加入Guy Carpenter之前任...
Compare Guy Carpenter to Competitors Compre Compre is a reinsurance business that provides capital and liability solutions within the insurance and reinsurance sectors. The company offers services such as the acquisition and management of legacy insurance portfolios, company acquisitions, and portfolio transf...
Guy Carpenter&Company,LLC是Marsh&McLennan Companies的再保险经纪人和全资子公司。近日,该公司推出了一款保险科技咨询平台GC Genesis。 该公司表示,这项新服务代表了一种全面的,以保险公司为中心的方法,可以应对不断变化的数据、分析和基于数字技术的解决方案空间,旨在超越现有的行业研究。
Guy Carpenter helps equip its clients for the futures they envision. We provide strategic insight and analysis to inform fundamental decisions, and a global platform for engagement. The breadth and depth of Guy Carpenter's relationships around the world can be a competitive advantage to its clients...
Guy Carpenter & Company, Limited / 佳達再保險經紀有限公司 C.E. name LIAO Xiao Ju / 廖小居 Address 14th Floor, One Taikoo Place,, 979 King's Road,, Quarry Bay,, Hong Kong Correspondence address Suite 3402-3406, 34/F,, One Taikoo Place,, 979 King's Road,, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong...