psoriasis n. 干癣银屑病 guttate a. 滴状的,有斑点的 Ps 【缩写】 1.=[Bible] Psalm 2.=Psalms 微微秒(=Picosecond) 10的负12次方秒。 PS abbr. 1. (= postscript) 附言,附录;(英国新闻广播后的)结束语;常用于网络上对别人意见作出更详细的解析,或者有更好的解析(略作P.S.,PS.,PS 或p.s...
psoriasis... ... duffuse psoriasis 弥漫性牛皮癣 guttate psoriasis 滴状牛皮癣 lupus psoriasis 牛皮癣样狼疮 ...|基于16个网页 2. 滴状银屑病 ——滴状银屑病(Guttate psoriasis):皮肤呈滴状的小伤口,出现在身体和四肢处。 ——脓疱型银屑病(Pustular psoriasis):皮肤发 …health.zaobao....
psoriasis- a chronic skin disease characterized by dry red patches covered with scales; occurs especially on the scalp and ears and genitalia and the skin over bony prominences disease of the skin,skin disease,skin disorder- a disease affecting the skin ...
[名词解释] 急性点滴性银屑病(acuteguttatepsoriasis) 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 常见于青少年,发病前常有咽喉部的链球菌感染病史,起病急骤,数天可泛发全身,皮损为直径0.3~O.5cm大小的丘疹、斑丘疹,色泽潮红,覆以少许鳞屑,有不同程度的瘙痒。经适当治疗可在数周内消退,少数患者可慢性迁延。
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. It is assumed that the plaque phenotype of psoriasis is associated with T helper (Th) 1 immune response activation, while the guttate phenotype is associated with the Th17 immune response. Previous investigat...
guttate psoriasis 滴状牛皮癣相关短语 infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (牛) 传染性鼻气管炎 horn ring (牛) 角轮 sodium acetarsone (抗滴虫药) 乙酰胂胺钠 in and out (牛舍) 自由出入 red bodies with white faces (牛) 体红面白 advanced resistry (乳牛) 高级注册 frosted teat (母牛) 冻伤乳头 ...
急性点滴性银屑病(acuteguttatepsoriasis) 参考答案: 常见于青少年,发病前常有咽喉部的链球菌感染病史,起病急骤,数天可泛发全身,皮损为直径0.3~O.5cm大小的丘疹、斑丘疹... 点击查看完整答案您可能感兴趣的试卷 医学高级皮肤与性病学仿真试题十 医学高级皮肤与性病学仿真试题一 医学高级皮肤与性病学仿真试题七 ...
Guttate psoriasis is characterized by the abrupt appearance of multiple small psoriaticpapules and plaques .问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 滴状银屑病的特征在于由多个小psoriaticpapules和斑块的突然出现。 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 guttate牛皮癣的特点是突然出现的多个小型psoriaticpapules和奖牌...
Guttate psoriasis.(Clinical Snapshot)(Disease/Disorder overview)Guldbakke, Kjetil KristofferKhachemoune, Amor