This is part of myVerbs Like Gustarcollection, which reviews Spanish verbs like gustar, disgustar, importar, interesar, and encantar in present tense. The verbs are intentionally reviewed with nouns, verbs, and personal subject pronouns. I also have aBasic Gustarcollection. I aim to keep vocabu...
If it’s of any comfort to know, we aren’t the only ones to butcher this verb. When Spanish speakers try to directly translateme gustan los librosinto English they run into some serious issues as well. When a student once asked me “Do the books like you?” in English class, and a...
Making Adjectives Plural To make an adjective plural… Add –s to an adjective that ends with a vowel. Add –es to an adjective that ends with a consonant. Examples: Alto altos viejoviejos Trabajadortrabajadores Part 3: Gustar “Gustar” means “to like.” To say what you or ...
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Gustar, Agradar, Encantar and more.