sudden change of wind speed on the operation of the Cable Car System1 ), environmental [...] [...] 專營者持續未能符合法定規定及嚴重違反工程項目協議時的罰款;授 予權力,讓專營者可訂立附例及就干犯該條例草案訂立的附例而提出 檢控;吊車系統的運作及安全標準( 包括 風速突 然...
gust speed指阵风速率 wind speed指风速 例句辨析:gust speed 1.Study on the Gust Wind Speed Factor of Bridges 桥梁阵风风速系数研究 2.A load function in time domain based on the fractal Weierstrass function and anauto spectral model for crushing ice force similar to the gust wind spe...
文章探讨了gust speed与wind speed之间的主要区别。gust speed特指阵风速率,关注的是短时间内强烈且突发的风速变化,如桥梁设计中考虑的阵风风速系数。例如,研究中通过分析冰荷载数据,利用Weierstrass函数模拟了与阵风风速谱相似的挤压破碎冰力模型。另一方面,wind speed则是常规风速,通常用于描述持续的风力...
In my experience, Gustwind is somewhat performant although I haven't benchmarked it. The main factors contributing to speed are its parallelized build process and light rendering engine. There are still ways to push it further by implementing techniques, like incremental compilation to compile only...
3) wind gust speed for 3 seconds 3s阵风风速4) gust velocity 阵风速5) Gust item 阵性风速6) gust peak speed 最高阵风风速补充资料:多通道电子风速计(见转杯式风速表) 多通道电子风速计(见转杯式风速表) 爹豁笔戮翁ng’粗转杯式风速表。 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。
Gust and gust-rise statistics of wind speed and direction for two strong mountain downslope wind cases for design of wind turbines 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 42 作者:Kaimal, J. C,Gaynor, J. E,Wolfe, D. E 摘要: Characteristics of moments and probability distributions for two high...
你好!3-second gust wind speed 3秒钟阵风风速
extreme wind mapreturn periodgumbel distributionextreme value analysisWe propose a new method for estimating maps of extreme wind gust speed. This method uses observed wind data and maps of general wind climate (GWC). The GWCdoi:10.1016/j.jweia.2016.09.005Luká Pop...
In this study, several analyses were conducted that were aimed at improving sustained wind speed and gust forecasts for tropical cyclones (TCs) affecting coastal regions. An objective wind speed forecast analysis of recent TCs affecting the mid-Atlantic region was first conducted to set a benchmark...
The gust wind speed uˆ is related to the mean wind speed u¯ through an equation of the form: (11.6)uˆu¯=1+GIx where Ix is the turbulence intensity and G is a gust factor that will have a value of around 3.5, depending on the precise averaging time used. 11.4.3 Typical...