拼音名:GushenShengfaWan 标准编号:WS3-B-1960-95 【处方】 熟地黄 50g 枸杞子 50g 羌活 15g 何首乌 50g 川芎 20g 木瓜 50g 女贞子 50g 当归 50g 桑椹 50g 丹参50g 党参 50g 黑芝麻 75g 【制法】 以上十二味,取川芎10g、当归25g、木瓜25g与熟地黄、党参、丹参、枸杞子、桑椹,黑芝麻、羌活加水煎煮二次...
was 320 nm.Results:The calibration curve of stibene glucoside was linear in the range of 0.0431-0.302 μg and the average recovery(n=9)was 101.0%,RSD was 1.7%.Conclusion:The method is convenient,accurate,reliable,and reproducible for determination of stibene glucoside in Gushen Shengfa capsules...