Preamble The main reason for the creation of the website of Gurukul Aam Sena is the promotion of ancient Vedic education system among the poor and illiterate people of scheduled tribes which has been well established by Maharishi Dayanand. Furthermore, by educating the tribal people about the ...
- Dr. Babashabe Ambedkar's three principles " Be educate, agitate and organize", is that education gives equal opportunity to the peoples aim at removing barriers in Indian hindu religion caste system and development of backward caste as well as all marginalized communities. For upliftment of ...
In India too, computer has been introduced in most of the areas such as data processing, decision-making. It has also impact on the working methods of research and development in the field of education.Mr Mohan Hanumantrao Gitte
In a letter to his father's friend, young Dr. Ambedkar, during his studies at New York, said - We shall see better days soon and our progress will be greatly accelerated if male education is persuaded side by side with female education..."On 18th July 1927, Dr. Ambedkar addressed a ...