sol =''forjinrange(n):forvinrange(n):ifsolution[i, j, v] >0.5: sol +=str(v+1)print(sol)
# 开始优化模型m.optimize()# 获取vars变量的X属性# 获得的tupledict对象,solutionsolution=m.getAttr('X',vars)foriinrange(n):sol=''forjinrange(n):forvinrange(n):ifsolution[i,j,v]>0.5:sol+=str(v+1)print(sol)
The MIP solver will append _n.sol to the value of the parameter to form the name of the file that contains solution number n. For example, setting the parameter to value solutions/mymodel will create files mymodel_0.sol, mymodel_1.sol, etc., in directory solutions. solnpool (string)...
sol =''forjinrange(n):forvinrange(n):ifsolution[i, j, v] >0.5: sol +=str(v+1)print(sol)
20 MR.write(out+"\model_relax.sol") # 查看松弛结果:Art开头 src\gurobipy\model.pxi in gurobipy.Model.feasRelax() src\gurobipy\model.pxi in gurobipy.Model.__feasrelax() AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__cindex__' ...
Fixed issue with not printing the problem size for concurrent MIP > Fixed issue with writing a solution file based on the “SolFiles” parameter if the user callback returned an error Added missing support of scalar division for the MLinExpr object of gurobipy Fixed bug with accepting a solut...
(1)用 m=read("model.ilp") 读入这个模型。ILP 格式和 LP 格式一致。 (2)用 m.feasRelaxS(0,False,False,True) 添加松弛变量。函数参数的具体含义请看参考手册。 (3)用 m.optimize() 运行这个松弛模型。 (4)用 m.write("model.sol") 将松弛模型的优化结果输出到 model.sol 文件。 (5)用 m.write...
filename –Name of the file to read. The suffix on the file must be either .bas (for an LP basis), .mst or .sol (for a MIP start), .hnt (for MIP hints), .ord (for a priority order), .attr (for a collection of attribute settings), or .prm (for a parameter file). The ...
indr, indc = np.where(RSOL == 1) uniqueopt = uniquecombo[indc] uniqueopt = np.unique(uniqueopt) # if uniqueopt.shape != indc.shape: # removal, x_ind, y_ind = np.setdiff1d(uniquecombo,uniqueopt,return_indices=True) # indr, indc = np.where(uniquecombo != uniqueopt) ...
gurobi (数学规划优化引擎) 求解过程与可视化结果