model = read("VRPTW_r102_20_5.mps") model.setParam("Heuristics", 0) model.optimize() 求解日志如下:发现设定后, 除了找初始可行解以外 ,均无 H 标识,即未用到启发式算法。共使用了 49.27s 得到最优解。 Read MPS format model from file VRPTW_r102_20_5.mps Reading time = 0.03 seconds VRPTW...
>> prob = mpsread("ExMilk.mps"); addpath('C:\gurobi912\win64\examples\matlab') [x,fvl] ...
Read MPS format model from file VRPTW_r102_20_5.mps Reading time = 0.02 seconds VRPTW: 1797 rows, 1525 columns, 14416 nonzeros Changed value of parameter MinRelNodes to 100 Prev: -1 Min: -1 Max: 2000000000 Default: -1 Changed value of parameter NoRelHeurTime to 20.0 Prev: 0.0 Min: ...
Please note that the MPS format has not been standardized, and each solver may have its own set of conventions and extensions. If you encounter read errors or notice a discrepancy in the solution found by Gurobi, please contact us, and we will be happy to help you figur...
(1)用 m=read("model.ilp") 读入这个模型。ILP 格式和 LP 格式一致。 (2)用 m.feasRelaxS(0,False,False,True) 添加松弛变量。函数参数的具体含义请看参考手册。 (3)用 m.optimize() 运行这个松弛模型。 (4)用 m.write("model.sol") 将松弛模型的优化结果输出到 model.sol 文件。 (5)用 m.write...
read("misc07.mps", env) model.optimize() model.dispose() env.dispose() feasRelaxS(relaxobjtype, minrelax, vrelax, crelax)# Modifies the Model object to create a feasibility relaxation. Note that you need to call optimize on the result to compute the actual relaxed solution. Note also...
初识 gurobi 数学规划优化引擎
gurobi (数学规划优化引擎) 求解过程与可视化结果
from gurobipy import * m = read('VRPTW_r102_20_5.mps') m.setParam("CoverCuts", 2) m.setParam(GRB.Param.LogFile, "gurobi.log") m.optimize() 运行结果如下: Gurobi 9.5.1 (linux64) logging started Tue Dec 6 17:39:51 2022 Set parameter LogFile to value "gurobi.log" Gurobi Optimize...
> gurobi_cl ConcurrentJobs=2 ConcurrentSettings=s0.prm,s1.prm model.mps Note Command-line only (gurobi_cl). See Concurrent environments for the equivalent feature in the Gurobi APIs.CoverCuts Cover cut generation Type: int Default value: -1 Minimum value: -1 Maximum value: 2 Controls cover...