|What can be done to avoid an out-of-memory condition? When possible, use the 64-bit version of Gurobi Optimizer on a 64-bit system, which can handle much more memory than a 32-bit system. For a continuous (LP, QP, SOCP) model, use the simplex algorithm (Method=1 or 0), which ...
I have been stumbling into an out-of-memory issue in a code that tries to optimize a Generation Expansion Problem then makes some tests with a Unit Commitment Problem. I believe the intricacies of both the GEP and UCP are not important, so I won't go into detail...
Memory limit Type: double Default value: Infinity Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: Infinity Limits the total amount of memory (in GB, i.e., \(10^9\) bytes) available to Gurobi. If more is needed, Gurobi will fail with an OUT_OF_MEMORY error. Note that it is not possible to retrieve...
MATLAB reports "out of memory" Solution: run clear mex after each call to gurobi_mex Running out of memory is often the result of memory leaks. However, the interface has been checked numerous times for memory leaks. If there still appears to be a leak, we are not sure if it is ...
Spring scheduler tasks causes memory leak in tomcat I have used spring scheduler to run methods using a cron timer as shown below . The application has atleast 50 scheduler beans of the same class mentioned in bold below. We create new beans by passing... ...
return network_lopf_solve(network, snapshots, formulation=formulation, solver_options=solver_options, keep_files=keep_files, free_memory=free_memory) File "/home/student/marlonsch/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pypsa/opf.py", line 1377, in network_lopf_solve ...