In the wild, guppies live an average of 2 years. However, in captivity guppies can live anywhere between 2-5 years. Although the average is typically 2-3 years in captivity, if properly cared for, guppies have been known to live up to 5 years. Research done on the lifespan of guppies...
The Gambezi are omnivores, and in their natural habitat, their diet consists ofzooplankton,small insects, and of course,mosquito larvae. In captivity, fish keepers can rely on a diet including high-quality fish pellets and flakes. These fish can be a little aggressive with other similar-sized ...
Males grow to about 1 ⅛ inches long, and females grow up to 2 ⅛ inches in length. Male and female guppies have a lifespan of up to two years in the wild and in captivity. In the ideal tank environment, guppies can live longer than wild guppies because guppies in the wild are ...