Note:The compressed file must be compressed using gzip and in the current working directory. If the file is in a differentdirectory, navigate to that directory or use the full path to thefile. The command prints an error message when run without any options or archive name. However, running...
To untar the gzip'd tar file you would do: tar xfvz cvd.tar.gz -C /path/to/parent/dir This would extract your files under the/path/to/parent/dirdirectory 0 source Is there away to mount a file.tar.bz2 without extracting onto your fs?
gunzip -c file.gz > outputfile This command will decompress file.gz and write the output to outputfile. This is useful when you want to redirect the decompressed content to a different file or process it further without creating an intermediate file.Test Integrity of Compressed File...
gunzip -c mybackup.gz Extract file file content in another file. you can use different file extension depend on the content of file. gunzip -c mybackup.gz > mybackup.sql Compress the mybackup.sql file as mybackup.gz in the current directory. gunzip -c mybackup.sql > mybackup.gz Here...