#因gunzip -f *.tar.gz =>*.tar 会删除*.tar.gz所以不能重新再去gunzip的标志位。 gunzip -f gunzip -f -c -c --stdout write on standard output, keep original files unchanged -f --force force overwrite of output file and compress links 原来的文件则没有了: # gunzip test.txt.gz 它会将...
I did a little more checking, and it looks like MC is basically only supported on Unix-like systems like Linux, though there is a Windows porthereof some sort. However, you don't state what your OS is. I suggest you do so.
gunzip test_file1.gz The command has no output. Run thelscommandto confirm the file is not compressed anymore. The output showstest_file1, a decompressed text file. Note:When running the command, you are allowed to use the archive_name without the .gz suffix if it's the only file with...
在Windows的命令行中使用gunzip 、、、 我需要在Windows终端上使用gunzip(gzip的解压工具)我安装了它,并将它的/bin文件夹添加到我的PATH变量中,gzip命令有效,但gunzip甚至不是可执行文件,所以我不能使用它#! 浏览71提问于2018-08-18得票数4 回答已采纳 1回答 Docker生成失败,“运行:命令未找到” 、、 -y &&...
rar请到:http://www.rarsoft.com/download.htm 下载! 解压后请将rar_static拷贝到/usr/bin目录(其他由$PATH环境变量指定的目录也可以): [root@www2 tmp]# cp rar_static /usr/bin/rar --- .lha 解压:lha -e FileName.lha 压缩:lha -a FileName.lha File...
I remember getting this error on windows and I used an app to reconstruct the file but I can't find it for unix # 4 01-16-2004 oombera Registered User 804, 6 Did you create the file or did you ftp it from somewhere? I think you could get this error if you downloaded the ...
download(url, dest, function() { console.log('Download complete'); }); Upon successful downloading of the.json.gzobject, my aim is to extract it using thezlibfunction. var gunzip = zlib.createGunzip(); var rstream = fs.createReadStream('./s3posts.json.gz'); ...
无法解压缩Docker (Boot2Docker) / Windows 7/ CRC中的文件 、、、 莫恩·莫恩$ gunzipeclipse-jee-neon-1a-linux-gtk.tar.gz 我总是收 浏览1提问于2016-10-21得票数 0 回答已采纳 2回答 将.gz文件解压缩为目录 Linux新手我把这个文件夹压缩成了abc.gz。现在,当我尝试使用gunzip命令时,文件并不是以...