Used to harass the Germans and kill valuable officers 35 Molotov Cocktail 715 votes First used by Finland. Later adopted by many combatants on both sides. Easy to make. 36 Winchester 1897 and 1912 Shotguns 564 votes Used by the Marines for close-range combat and for guarding aircraft. ...
Originally built by the French as the 25mm Hotchkiss, it was their main anti-tank gun in till their capitulation in 1940. Captured guns were adopted by the Germans under the designation 2,5cm PaK 113 (F). By 1943, the no longer was effective against current armor and was withdrawn from ...
However, modern flame throwers were really invented by the Germans and used In the trench warfare of WW1. The U.S. used the flame throwers with more frequency in WW2 and thereafter. The U.S. Retired the flame thrower from its weapon inventory after the Vietnam war. It was actually ...
By V-E Day the M3 was fairly common in tank crews, being more compact than either the Thompson or the carbine.(Folding-stock M1A1 carbines were pretty much exclusive to the airborne forces.) Also, unlike the carbine, the M3 like the Thompson used the same .45 ACP ammunition as the Col...
Clarksville, AR 72830 Phone: 479-754-2894 (The sequencing & timing circuitry board, solenoids, and ignition coil.) Some other pics of Steve's equipment: *No Germans were harmed in the making of this page. :)...
Used to harass the Germans and kill valuable officers 35 Molotov Cocktail 715 votes First used by Finland. Later adopted by many combatants on both sides. Easy to make. 36 Winchester 1897 and 1912 Shotguns 564 votes Used by the Marines for close-range combat and for guarding aircraft. ...
Used to harass the Germans and kill valuable officers 35 Molotov Cocktail 715votes First used by Finland. Later adopted by many combatants on both sides. Easy to make. 36 Winchester 1897 and 1912 Shotguns 564votes Used by the Marines for close-range combat and for guarding aircraft. ...
Used to harass the Germans and kill valuable officers 35 Molotov Cocktail 713 votes First used by Finland. Later adopted by many combatants on both sides. Easy to make. 36 Winchester 1897 and 1912 Shotguns 559 votes Used by the Marines for close-range combat and for guarding aircraft. ...
Used to harass the Germans and kill valuable officers 35 Molotov Cocktail 715 votes First used by Finland. Later adopted by many combatants on both sides. Easy to make. 36 Winchester 1897 and 1912 Shotguns 564 votes Used by the Marines for close-range combat and for guarding aircraft. ...
Used to harass the Germans and kill valuable officers 35 Molotov Cocktail 715 votes First used by Finland. Later adopted by many combatants on both sides. Easy to make. 36 Winchester 1897 and 1912 Shotguns 564 votes Used by the Marines for close-range combat and for guarding aircraft. ...