Japan, Canada and Sweden. Each has less than one hundred murders by handgun per year. Here in America, which has the weakest handgun controls, we have about ten thousand handgun murders a year. That’s one hundred times as many, and even with per capita adjustment, it’s always more tha...
In many parts of America guns are a normal and regular feature of life. While I see a gun as a frightening and terrible object used to cause harm, in America they are viewed as a tool for self protection. Owning a gun is seen...
Every year, all across America, guns cross the hands of various members of our society. Guns are legally put to use for the military, the police force, SWAT teams, or even hunters. When it is the military, police force or SWAT teams using guns, they are well-trained in their proper ...
Gun Violence in the U.S.“More Americans died of gun-related injuries in 2020 than in any other year on record,” the Pew Research Center reported in 2022. The rate of gun deaths—including murders, suicides, and other incidents like those involving law enforcement or accidents—also reached...
Popular naval version of the Colt, used by both the Union and Confederacy, as well as many other countries. 291 votes What do you think? Is this iconic? 2 Springfield Model 1861 Photo: Smithsonian Institution Wikimedia Commons Public domain ...
Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Pop Mech Pro: Military China’s Mini Aircraft Carrier Is Truly Innovative China Just Unveiled Two Sixth-Gen Fighter Jets Anti-Drone Weapons That Terrify America’s Enemies Is China’s New Stealth Fighter a Copy of the F-35?
Abstract Importance More US children die by accidental gun use than children in other developed countries. One factor that can influence children’s interest in guns is exposure to media containing guns. Objective To test whether children who see a movie containing guns will handle a real gun lon...
Shooting for the Truth; History of Guns in America Detailed in New Book
On the other, we haveDoug Mastriano, a former US Army Colonel and 3-year state representative who supported a literal coup against the United States government. In any sane world, that would be all you’d need to know. Shapiro, thestate’s chief law enforcement officer, vs. Mastriano,a ...
The most popular and widely respected voice in America for your gun rights, breaking 2nd Amendment news, and everything else you need to know as a gun owner...