Guns, Gore and Cannoli 2 is a fast paced arcade style shooter game that manages to pack in plenty of gore that splatters across the screen every time someone gets shot. With an impressive artistic style rendered in 2D and plenty of bad guys to take down, players can be sure that they w...
Guns, Gore and Cannoli 2 Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. Guns, Gore and Cannoli 2 - Guns, Gore & Cannoli 2 revives the good,
Guns Gore and Cannoli 2 switch is a platformer game Developed and Published by Rogueside, Released on August 02, 2018. ScreenShots: How to Jailbreak/Hack
Gore & Cannoli breathes the 1940’s. Every inch of the game is like a picture straight from the second World War era. The cars, the furniture, the speakeasy clubs, the music, the propaganda posters, the streets and the weaponry reflect the turbulent time that the 1940’s were. ...
Guns, Gore and Cannoli 2 Switch NSP Free Download Romslab The game’s soundtrack is also heavily influenced by the era of the 1940s. “Guns, Gore and Cannoli 2” was released on multiple platforms like Windows, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and many more. The ...
枪血意大利2 v1...#枪血意大利2 游戏下载# 资源下载地址在二楼夸克网盘:
《Guns, Gore & Cannoli 2》免安装中文版游戏推荐及网盘下载链接 《Guns, Gore & Cannoli 2》免安装中文版游戏,带你重返1940年代,体验欧洲战争末期的黑帮动作冒险。游戏主角维尼·卡诺利,在经历暴徒镇大屠杀后,勇敢卷入二战的欧洲战场。在这里,你将享受到升级的角色机动性、单人或多人战役模式、丰富的游戏环境...
Guns, Gore & Cannoli 2 continues the rich, engaging gangster story of the first game and includes all the fast paced action you’ve come to love, we made the best even better, with: - Campaign mode - Rich environments - Immersive WW2 world ...
枪血意大利黑手党2 Guns, Gore and Cannoli 2 PC免安装中文版下载。这是一款热血风格的战斗射击类游戏,游戏将会继续第一作后续的剧情发展,致力于给大家展示一个真实的黑帮故事。 初代故事在Thugtown大屠杀部分完结,续作中主角Vinnie Cannoli的目光瞄准了新的敌人:二战轴心国。当然,这次新的战争依然会保留初代黑色幽默...
Guns, Gore & Cannoli 2 具有完整的单人或多人战役模式,充满动作、幽默和动画过场动画。 丰富的环境 我们将我们的艺术家推向了极限,以制作出最佳的身临其境的大气背景、最流畅的动画和最酷的特效,为 2D 游戏树立了新的标杆。 寻找机会推倒墙壁、引爆桶、将板条箱扔到敌人头上、炸毁汽车,甚至将敌人踢出门外。