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Guns Gore Cannoli 2-cheart v1.04 枪火意大利黑手党v1.04版本的游戏修改器 对指定内存注入汇编代码,从而实现无限子弹不掉血等目的。 代码对注入过程进行了简单的封装. 对特征码搜索进行了缓存优化。缓存大小40kb,搜索速度为原来的10倍左右。 当使用80kb缓存时速度仅从400ms提升至300ms左右。 代码使用了3个线程,用于...
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Guns Gore and Cannoli 2 switch is a platformer game Developed and Published by Rogueside, Released on August 02, 2018. ScreenShots: How to Jailbreak/Hack
使用cheat engine修改游戏主角生命值(附CEAA详细步骤) 20220319: 一、找主角生命值:数值类型:单浮点搜索方法:初始未知->减少、不变等等几次搜索结果:找到三个值(查看其初始值为150),两个地址类似2D74E8**,一个地址类似455***。分析:不一样的那个地址,每次载入游戏会变化(指没有退出游戏情况下,比如主角别干掉...
Guns, Gore and Cannoli 2 Switch NSP Free Download Romslab Guns, Gore and Cannoli 2 Switch NSP Free Download Romslab “Guns, Gore and Cannoli” is a 2D side-scrolling action-adventure video game set in the prohibition era of the 1920s, where players control Vinnie Cannoli, a mobster who ...
Guns, Gore & Cannoli is an over-the-top, comical and fast-paced action game with beautiful 2D graphics set in the Roaring Twenties, the height of prohibition. The story is about Vinnie, a mobster with a mission in a city controlled by gangsters, renegad
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