Jesus was bold and uninhibited in contending for the truth, denouncing sin, exposing error, and marking false teachers. One need only engage in a cursory reading of Mat- thew, Mark, Luke, and John to see that Jesus did not toler- ate error, or those who advocated it--especially ...
Google “stressed youth”, and look at the images. Feel the confusion, the hopelessness, and the anxiety of a generation that should be enjoying the exploration of their own path, and figuring out what works in life. Instead, they have been told to not accept who they are, that they are...
无所事事的Kane随手一掰桌边台钳的丝杆,它便快活地打起转来。 “嘿,K,你来早了,我还没修完呢。” Murphy拥有一双灵巧的手,一颗疯狂的脑袋,非常擅长修复坏掉的机械制品。小到怀表大至汽车,只要在Murphy所能涉及的领域范围内,就没有他办不到的。 这样一个年轻的天才机械师看上去与他人并没有什么不同,也没有...
most horrific mass shootings in the U.S. occurred in Charleston, South Carolina, at the Mother Emanuel AME Church in 2015. A 21-year-old, self-proclaimed white supremacist shot and killed nine church members at a Bible study meeting after going there with the intent to commit a hate crime...
The old political economic argument of guns vs. butter has come to the forefront of the2012 election. Those running for President, did not use those terms, but this is what is going on. I was watching the GOP debate last night and I almost fell off my chair when I heard, the GOP no...
Southwest, and Northwest—masks the cultural lines along which attitudes toward violence fall. These lines don’t respect state boundaries. To understand violence or practically any other divisive issue, you need to understand historical settlement patterns and the lasting cultural fissures they establishe...
The important part is that it's what the media does. Hopefully people can compare and find the truth here beyond the bias. What we’re going to focus on are the lies, and the spin. (The “spin” being when an argument is laid out with a heavy bias.)...
Looking for a reference book about firearms ammunition? The Shooter's Bible Guide to Cartridges might be the book for you, but with a caveat.
Offering a multidisciplinary and comparative outlook, the article explains how guns have become symbols of a worldview under which armed patriots must stand ready to defend America from “tyranny,”“big government,”“socialism,” and other existential threats. In particular, the U.S. conservative...
Barack Hussein Obama is dangerous to freedom and liberty and your gun rights. In the weeks leading up to the hoax called the November 4, 2008, elections, gun sales went through the roof; the pace continues. Gun ownerswho paid attention to Obama's record and position on the Second Amendment...