Guns Akimbo: Regie: Jason Howden Mit Daniel Radcliffe, Samara Weaving, Ned Dennehy, Natasha Liu Bordizzo Ein Typ verlässt sich auf seine neu erworbenen Gladiatorfähigkeiten, um seine Ex-Freundin vor Entführern zu retten.
THR review: Daniel Radcliffe and Samara Weaving play strangers trying to kill each other in 'Guns Akimbo,' a video game-like actioner by Jason Lei Howden.
If there is a one-word skeleton key to unlocking Guns Akimbo, it might simply be: “sloppy.” By Barry Hertz FULL REVIEW See All 10 Critic Reviews 10 Netspirit Aug 3, 2020 The movie is lighthearted adult fun. If you liked Deadpool - go ahead and watch it. Report 6 Nightscape...
Guns Akimbo: Regia di Jason Howden. Con Daniel Radcliffe, Samara Weaving, Ned Dennehy, Natasha Liu Bordizzo. Un ragazzo si affida alle sue abilità di gladiatore appena acquisite per salvare la sua ex ragazza dai rapitori.