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About the company GungHo Online Entertainment Inc is a Japan-based company mainly engaged in the development of online games via the Internet. The Company is mainly engaged in the planning, development, operation and distribution of smartphone...
GungHo Online Entertainment 宣布,与The Walt Disney Company (Japan) 共同打造的完全新作RPG《Disney Pixel RPG》(iOS / Android)将于2024 年内在全球18 个国家与地区推出,事前预约自即日起正式展开。 官方表示,《Disney Pixel RPG》是一款能够与可爱的像素风迪士...
(Video Game)-Distributor (2018) (All media) (Japan) Divine Gate(2013) (Video Game)-Distributor (2013–2018) (All media) (Japan) Show more COMPANYmeter Members only Become a member to access additional data Try IMDbPro Premium for free...
GungHo Online Entertainment Streamlines Log Management for MMORPG Network Infrastructure with EventLog Analyzer
Jump to the officialPuzzle & Dragons Website An extremely popular and super addictive freemium game with over 54 million downloads in Japan and ranked as one of the top grossing apps, Puzzle & Dragons combines the key elements of a puzzle game, a dungeon-crawling RPG, and monster...
Located in sunny southern California, GungHo Online Entertainment America is the US subsidiary of the Japanese game company GungHo Online Entertainment, Inc. Publishing titles across multiple platforms ranging from console to handheld and mobile, our group is comprised of veterans from various aspects ...
GungHo Online Entertainment Titles ¥ 70.00 ¥ 68.00 免费开玩 ¥ 36.00 结果可能会根据您的将某些产品排除在外。 ¥ 70.00 免费开玩 LET IT DIE2018 年 9 月 26 日 以不断变化的“霸比塔”为舞台, 利用装备和道具消灭敌人的弱肉强食生存动作游戏 终于登陆PC平台。对应高帧数,高解析度。
GungHoOnlineEntertainment GungHoOnlineEntertainment 官网 粉丝 368 关注 详情 评价5 简介 Active in the gaming industry since 2002, GungHo publishes games for the PC, console, and smartphone platforms. 厂商游戏 第七轮回 ディズニー マジックキングダムズ 模拟 骷髅小王子...
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