BANDAI NAMCO 万代南梦宫 BNFDX 机动战士高达 vol.2 vGUNDAM VS SAZABI 高达系列涂装成品高级场景手办商品第二弹登场! 爆料人: ACG头号玩家 23-07-29发布 在高达衍生品的漫长历史中,由于技术上的一系列问题,高品质成品模型商品的推出一直受到阻碍。为了填补这一空白,经过多方努力,万代南梦宫创立了一系列由专业人员...
0093, Amuro decided to design a mobile suit that would be able to combat Char's MSN-04 Sazabi. Unbeknown to Amuro, Char learnt of this and intentionally allowed Anaheim Electronics to pass on the Psycho-Frame technology for the ν Gundam's use in order to ensure a fair final duel ...
0093, he fights Amuro, who is piloting the RX-93 ν Gundam, in the Sazabi to settle the score for the last time, but is defeated. At that time, he is caught in an escape pod and disappears into the light of the Psycho-Frame, along with Amuro, who holds Axis from falling. Axis ...
88VIP:万代 BANDAI RG 29 1/144 MSN-04 230363 Sazabi 沙煞比 337.25元 天猫超市 7小时前 0 -- 相关文章 【78动漫官方评测】 万代 GUNDAM UNIVERSE 托鲁基斯&神高达 ACG头号玩家 2 3 #原创新人#BANDAI 万代 高达 MG版 模型 强袭 自由喷漆上色初体验 机械BOY 138 204 BANDAI万代拼装模型RG 1/144 海牛高达...