新型兵器被命名为“机动战士”——MOBILE SUIT(简称MS)。因为在M粒子的环境下,靠目视的接近战不可避免地将成为战斗的主体,所以MS采用十八米左右身高的巨大机器人型态的设计。第一台机动战士的型号,便定为MS-01。在这几年间,双方战略方面的变动包括联邦方面为建设SIDE7,将月神二号向月球轨道的反向移动;吉恩在小...
高达WIKI > 全作品资料 > Gundam Legacy 介绍《Gundam Legacy》(ガンダム レガシー)是夏元雅人创作的一部漫画,2004年5月26日-2009年2月26日发表在《高达Ace》上,讲述了从U.C.0079年到0093年,围绕在高达和夏亚·阿兹纳布尔周围不同人物的侧面故事。
Current Video GamesLost War Chronicles|Gundam 0079: The War for Earth|Mobile Ops: The One Year War|The Blue Destiny|Crossfire/Target in Sight|Journey to Jaburo|Zeonic Front|Mobile Suit Gundam: EX Revue|Spirits of Zeon - Dual Stars of Carnage|Cross Dimension 0079|Mobile Suit Gundam F91: Form...
Welcome to the Genuine Gundam Wiki This wiki is specially dedicated only to OFFICIAL MEMBERS OF THE MS Gundam: The Lost Century fan fiction! Due to the recent "takeovers" within this wikia, the administrators have enforced rules that will serve as guidel
(there is no way to customized their weapon set) while some transformable units have the option to change to an alternate mode with a different set of weapons. As well, each unit has three skills it can use: a high-damaging special attack and two stat-boosting abilities. The game also ...
高达WIKI>全作品资料>高达之环 介绍 高达之环(Ring of Gundam)是在高达系列诞生30周年纪念之际,由富野由悠季总执导、日升和ロボット共同制作的5分36秒短编动画作品。时间线为G.C.333年,原本作为高达系列的新企划,企划腰斩后富野用本作的大纲改出了《高达G之复国运动》的原案小说,后面再改成G复国TV版。
In addition, Akai's rival Rei Furuya</nowiki>'s names and alter egos were named after Amuro Ray, Char's rival. In the 1996 video game Not Treasure Hunter, James Arclight the protagonist of game has a facial structure similar to Char in UC.0093 and voiced by Shuichi Ikeda. The voice...
SDGO Wiki The Legacy of SD Gundam Capsule Fighter Online Lives On Explore Alternatives About SDGO SD Gundam Capsule Fighter Online (SDGO) was a beloved online game where players commanded super-deformed Gundam units in fast-paced battles. Although the game is now defunct, its community continues ...
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更新日期:2024-10-26 最新编辑:小五十50 页面贡献者 : 高达WIKI>全作品资料>Outer Gundam 介绍 Outer Gundam(Outer Gundam/アウターガンダム)是松浦雅文创作的一部漫画,于1988年至1992年在《Cyber Comics》杂志连载。 作品机体 RGM-79SP 狙击型吉姆Ⅱ ...