根据其文化传统,古乃人(Gunaikurnai)认为波波国家公园是他们的传统故乡。 更多信息,请咨询维多利亚原住民事务中心(Aborigi…www.australia.com|基于2个网页 2. 古奈克奈族 园区内还有丰富的原住民历史。这里是属於古奈克奈族(Gunaikurnai)的领地。www.australia.com|基于1 个网页 3. 是古奈库奈 ...护,这里每...
GunaiKurnaiowl accumulationpartnership researchsmall mammalsPalaeontological animal bone deposits are rarely investigated through research partnerships where the local First Nations communities have a defining hand in both the research questions asked and the research processes. Here we report research ...
VictoriaOn 22 October 2010, Justice North of the Federal Court made consent orders recognising the Gunaikurnai as the native title holders of a large part of Gippsland (approximately 13,390 sq km), and appointed the Gunaikurnai Land & Waters Aboriginal Corporation as the Prescribed Body ...
ABC Open: Our Mother Tongue: GunaiKurnai Video report on the Gunai Kurnai revival progam. Find out about how three incredible women are racing against the clock to revive their precious native language and deliver it across the community, from 3 year olds and up!
North of the Federal Court made consent orders recognising the Gunaikurnai as the native title holders of a large part of Gippsland (approximately 13,390 sq km), and appointed the Gunaikurnai Land & Waters Aboriginal Corporation as the Prescribed Body Corporate ('PBC') for the Gunaikurnai. ...
Fires in GunaiKurnai Country: Landscape Fires and their Impacts on Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Places and Artefacts in Southeastern AustraliaSimon Connor
Fires in GunaiKurnai Country: Landscape Fires and their Impacts on Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Places and Artefacts in Southeastern AustraliaSimon Connor
reconciliationAustraliaThis book chapter looks at native title as a mechanism for promoting reconciliation in Australia through a case study of the Gunaikurnai consent determination.doi:http://arrow.monash.edu.au/vital/access/%20/manager/Repository/mO'Bryan, Katharine...
Fires in GunaiKurnai Country: Landscape Fires and their Impacts on Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Places and Artefacts in Southeastern AustraliaSimon Connor
Fires in GunaiKurnai Country: Landscape Fires and their Impacts on Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Places and Artefacts in Southeastern AustraliaSimon Connorsimon.connor@anu.edu.auhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-5685-2390Simon Connorsimon.connor@anu.edu.au...