or play through epic stories that span the solar system, Destiny 2 has something for everyone. Whichever activity you prefer, you can easily sink hundreds, if not thousands, of hours into it, and the brilliant gunplay makes it a constant joy. Not only is the best FPS around, I'll wager...
Intergalactic delivery driver Flux Dabes has crash landed on an alien planet following the theft of an important shipment. In a bid to restore her goods, not to mention return home, she’s made to quest, fight and essentially “dominate” her new surrounds in this 2D action-RPG craft-a-...
2012–[By Cat Eldridge.]Just a decade ago on this date, yet another one of those delightfully wonderful things that I like to discover happened. Someone made a film of the Ray Bradbury’s “Kaleidoscope” short story which was first published inThrilling Wonder Storiesin October 1949. (It w...
Vella Tartine and Shay Volta are two teenagers in strangely similar situations, but radically different worlds. The player can freely switch between their stories, helping them take control of their own lives, and dealing with the unexpected adventures that follow. Starring: Elijah Wood as Shay...
but what your traders and diplomats have to say. You're leading a village in a dangerous land of magic, religious conflict, and looming environmental crisis. Yes, it has bags of personality as your advisors snark and ramble and complain, and you explore the alien values of this colourful, ...
of their own values mirrored in the experience, as well those which they had never considered. The artistry of an object is not totally internal, or external; it exists on its own terms, as an osmosis, value and meaning passed back and forth across a very loose membrane web between the ...
Another we’d hoped might’ve landed in 2015 but sadly slipped further still. Perhaps that was wishful thinking, however Ubisoft bosses did suggest they were working with Beyond Good & Evil mastermind Michel Ansel at last year’s E3 conference. Hmm, is 2016 the year we return to Jade?