The country has only one legal gun store (the Directorate of Arms and Munitions Sales), compared to at least 63,709 legal gun stores and pawn shops in the United States as of Feb. 10, 2014. Mexico’s gun store is on a secure military base and customers must present a valid ID, go...
The country has only one legal gun store (the Directorate of Arms and Munitions Sales), compared to at least 63,709 legal gun stores and pawn shops in the United States as of Feb. 10, 2014. Mexico’s gun store is on a secure military base and customers must present a valid ID, go...
# equivalent to {gte: 1, lte: 10}aisle_id:[25,30],# instore_id:{not:2},# notaisle_id:{not:[25,30]},# not inuser_ids:{all:[1,3]},# all elements in arraycategory:{like:"%frozen%"},# likecategory:{ilike:"%frozen%"},# ilikecategory:/frozen .+/,# regexpcategory:{prefi...
There's also a file stored in the main directory of this repo called current_parser_training_set which stores the date of the most recently created training set. To always point to the latest data, try something like: latest=$(cat current_parser_training_set) and use that variable in ...