The bill had passed with big majorities in the Wyoming House and Senate, winning approval by votes of 54-7 and 22-8. In the Senate supporters of the bill took the unusual step of recalling the bill from the Senate Judiciary Committee, where it had been voted down 3-2, and bringing it...
A report of a gun inside a school coupled with an unrelated high-risk traffic stop prompted three Cheyenne schools to lockdown Thursday afternoon. According to a Cheyenne Police Department Facebook post, a K-9 team with the Laramie County Sheriff’s Office specializing in firearms detection was...
#49. Wyoming Canva #49. Wyoming - UFO sightings: 266 Two triangular UFOs with three blue lights were spotted over Cheyenne's countryside on March 4, 2019, just a few weeks after almost a dozen multicolored lights were recorded traveling north over Riverton at various altitudes. Local res...
#49. Wyoming Canva #49. Wyoming - UFO sightings: 266 Two triangular UFOs with three blue lights were spotted over Cheyenne's countryside on March 4, 2019, just a few weeks after almost a dozen multicolored lights were recorded traveling north over Riverton at various altitudes. Local residents...
Hoss-Shoes, Global Industries (Cheyenne Wyoming), 1960s (exact date unknown), horse shoes. Hot Shot Basketball, Midway, 1993, a mini bar-style basketball arcade game. How Can I Find The Right Love Mate, Exhibit Supply, 1941, sqeeze the handle and a light will stop and telling the an...
The mayor elaborated on the technology in an interview with theBaltimore Sun. He said the software will allow police to tell, for example, if a person with 10 handguns had purchased them at different stores or at one location. SEE ALSO:Everytown Touts New Study Claiming ‘Stand Your Ground...
Hoss-Shoes, Global Industries (Cheyenne Wyoming), 1960s (exact date unknown), horse shoes. Hot Shot Basketball, Midway, 1993, a mini bar-style basketball arcade game. How Can I Find The Right Love Mate, Exhibit Supply, 1941, sqeeze the handle and a light will stop and telling the an...