Idaho Arms and Ammo is a premier gun shop in Meridian, offering a wide selection of guns, ammunition, and accessories from trusted brands.
Do you need to know about gun laws in Idaho? Well, here’s everything you need to know about purchasing, owning, and carrying any firearm...
The country has only one legal gun store (the Directorate of Arms and Munitions Sales), compared to at least 63,709 legal gun stores and pawn shops in the United States as of Feb. 10, 2014. Mexico’s gun store is on a secure military base and customers must present a valid ID, go...
2. Idaho The big news for gun owners in Idaho this year was Governor Brad Little’s signature on a permitless carry bill in March. Permitless carry was already legal for Idaho residents, but this legislation extends the law to cover all U.S. Citizens over the age of 18 to carry, incl...
If your hobby is hunting, you need a gun safe. This will make it easy for you to safely store all of your guns where children cannot reach them and where thieves cannot steal them. There’s no reason why you can’t have guns in your home, but there’s also no reason to have guns...
A pink rifle with the inscription "My First Rifle" sits in a gun store in Pierre, South Dakota. 38. Kansas Travis Morisse/AP Licenses in 2021: 69,850 An estimated 48.9% of Kansas adults have firearms in their homes. Assistant Kansas Attorney General Amy Hanley shows a jury a Ruger Redh...
In 2021 — after watching colleagues hide from the violent mob on Jan. 6 and remembering I have a habit of writing about angry men with access to weapons — I walked into a Burbank gun store to pick up my first handgun. …My foray into gun ownership is part of a larger trend. Last...
we can take the case of children. You’d have to make sure that your children cannot access the guns at any point of time. Gun safes are containers that help you store the gun securely in such an efficient way that only you will have access to it. Obviously, there are different kinds...
Store your gun in a gun rack or in its case when you are not shooting or preparing to shoot Use target ammunition shot size 7.5 or smaller Please ask staff on hand if you have any questions or concerns
Meet the Founder of the Terrorist @NRA in 1977 – HARLAN CARTER Shot & killed a 15-year-old boy Later denied the shooting Led “Operation Wetback” Said convicted felons & mentally ill should be allowed to buy guns as “a price we pay for freedom” ...