in as much as the dealer had worked with the guy trying to figure out the correct caliber by dropping rounds into the chamber and I would have thought the dealer would have known better. I have known the dealer from several shows over at least a few years now and I have never seen ...
assault weapons, california, chuck michel, Courts, crpa, gun ban, gun bans, gun legislation, Illinois, News, SCOTUS, Supreme Court, Uncategorized November 14, 2024 Q&A: How an Illinois Legal Case Can Help the Gun Cause in California Last week’s ruling in in FFL-IL v. Pritzker ...
Buying Guns In Illinois Gun-Buying Laws in Ohio Where to Buy Guns in Ohio Where to Buy Guns in CaliforniaFAQS Which gun shop in Texas sells rare gun models? Where can I buy a handgun in Texas?In Conclusion While there have been changes with permitless gun carry in Texas gun laws, ...
DeSantis can’t help but pivot from tangible, kitchen-table economic issues to bizarre culture-war concerns. And that’s where we get into looney-tunes territory. In a speech this past weekend in Pennsylvania, DeSantis suggested that the real reason to fear the Fed is that central bankers…...
In the neverending onslaught of lawsuits across the country, as Democrats continue to legislate in contempt of the United States Supreme Court Bruen decision, an Illinois appellate court is set to decide whether or not…ATF, Current Events, Gun Control, Gun News, gun rights, New Guns, News,...
States’ legal system (which is the reason we have sub-guides for every state). There is one central government, headquartered in Washington DC, which has the power to make laws for the entire country. The laws made in DC apply in all fifty states, and every territory that the US holds...
” Analogous historic gun laws, according to the court, need not be “a dead ringer for historical precursors” but must be “analogous enough to pass constitutional muster.” Second, many believe this slavish devotion to history to be deeply flawed. For example, why should law-mak...
Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, a Democrat, signed legislation earlier this month spurred largely by an Independence Day parade shooting that killed seven and injured dozens in the Chicago suburb of Highland Park. The law bans the sale or possession of dozens of specific types of semi-automatic ...
Data shows that gun sales increase in the wake of violence, political events and uncertainty. Large spikes occurred after the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting in Connecticut; amid coronavirus shutdowns, racial justice protests and the presidential election in 2020; and after the Jan....